Tuesday, July 20, 2010

9 weeks

sofia's 2 month dr's appointment was today. i can tell she's doing great, but it's always reassuring to talk with the doctor, just to be sure. before we went in, i guessed she was 12 lbs. i was just about right!

here are her stats:
weight: 12 lbs 3 oz / 80th percentile
length: 23 in / 75th percentile
head: 40 cm / 80th percentile

she is tracking just about where bez was tracking at 2 mos. apparently, we make big babies. i was reading back through old blogs and can't believe it was only 3 weeks ago where she was at her peak fussiness. it's hard to believe that this chubby-cheeked, smiling, laughing baby was a fussy newborn just a few weeks ago. she's changing so fast! it's so different having an almost-six year old - the changes happen so much slower, but are so much more significant (he can read! tie his shoes! do the monkey bars! swing by himself!). sofia changes are less significant (she can lift her head! she grabs my hair!), but come so much more frequently.

one of the things the dr and i discussed was sleeping. sofia has been sleeping with us (don't judge!), but i'm feeling like it's probably time to start transitioning into her crib. it's so hard because i LOVE sleeping with my babies - i find it so comforting to have them right there instead of across the room or in a different room. that being said, we transitioned bez to his crib when he was about 6 months (i think?) and it was pretty hard. when we had her we agreed to do it sooner. the dr. also advised that babies who are in their own bed tend to sleep for longer periods at night. so here we go! tonight i am going to attempt to put her in the crib next to our bed - wish me luck!

in addition to her stats, sofia also got four shots. bez was so nervous for her - "mom, i wish that shots were bad for you, like ice cream". he has decided to invent vaccines that can be taken by mouth and taste like "juice and candy and other stuff" so babies don't have to get them. he's a good big brother.

last weekend we went up to my mom's house on whidbey island. bez loves to be there and it was nice to get a little mom time. being on whidbey on a sunny day reminds me of why i live here. it's so beautiful. being with my mom reminds me how much we do every day between working and the kids and the house. when she's there, i feel like i'm able to take a deep breath and just really and deeply enjoy it all. thanks mom.

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