Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Wednesday: Chicken Marbella, Wild Rice, Salad
Thursday: Thai Beef Salad, Coconut Rice
Friday: Quesadillas with blackbean salad
Saturday: Date Night!
Sunday: Carnitas tacos

New Year

It's a new year and for the first time, I am going to make some resolutions. Here is my list:

#1: Brush my teeth every night, even if I'm tired (I know that sounds gross, but I am a busy mama and sometimes I forget!)
#2: Live on a budget
#3: Do yoga once a week
#4: Get rid of everything I haven't used in the last year
#5: Make sure all our dishes are clean before bedtime
#6: Cook dinner 6 nights a week
#7: Pay all of my bills on time

Hopefully writing it down will help make it happen!